New Bible Teaching Series Coming Soon!

Mister Brown

This video is all about the new Bible teaching series that are coming out on Proclaim Ministries. When I used to call my mom, she would always say, "What's up with you?" I'm going to answer that question for Proclaim Ministries - we are busy this summer. There are 3 main things we are busy with: Fundraising, Team Building, and Creating New Bible Content. Please pray for Proclaim Ministries and give, so we can continue to help people connect faith and life

New Bible Teaching Series! Download our app to get all of the latest teaching and news
·We are finishing up our series called Naked and Unashamed
·The Framework: This has been in the works for about three years. The Framework teaches 10 hand motions to walk people through the entire Bible and God's plan for man. I will be teaching The Framework at a Vacation Bible School in Minnesota this summer. The 10 things that make up The Framework are: God, The Bible, Creation, Sin, The Promise, Abraham, Jesus, Salvation, New Life, and Restoration.
·My Personal Gospel Presentation: Based on 2 Kings 7 about sharing the Gospel message.
·Kids and Family Bible Teaching Series