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We have a growing resource library with a wide variety of videos to help you connect faith and life.
Choose from collections below or through our app.
Choose from collections below or through our app.
Teaching Series
Visit the series page to find longer video series that dig deep into a topic or section of the Bible. Try our popular 31 Days of Wisdom series or our newest series here.
Teaching Videos
These short stand-alone videos provide inspiration and encouragement for your day. Join us on the journey. Watch here or on the app to get notifications.
Training For Leaders
Free access to training videos with practical tools to help church leaders. From kids ministry training to adult small group help. New resources coming soon.
Student Ministries
Join Mister Brown in reading a passage and reflecting on scripture. These devotionals are short and can be watched in any order.
Kids Ministries
Our kids page includes lots of resources for kids and families including Bible lessons, memory verses, and Q&A with Mister Brown.
Check out the podcast to join Mister Brown in conversations about connecting faith and life.
Live Events
Contact us here to start a conversation about booking Mister Brown as a speaker for your event, conference, camp or workshop.
Proclaim News
Watch some of our most recent news updates from Mister Brown or sign up here to get news delivered directly to your inbox.
"Your teaching really helped me understand and I appreciate it!"
- E. Johnson
"I'm so proud. You guys always have a great final product."
- Genie
"Thank you sir! I have been using the app and i love it."
- Avery