About Us

Life is often difficult, frustrating, and sometimes downright confusing. This has been true for all people throughout all generations. Proclaim Ministries believes that God has provided insight to life’s small and significant questions through the gospel of Jesus Christ. For many, the Bible is a maze of stories, rules, and interwoven narratives that are confusing at best. In a world where every other person is claiming to know the Truth, the Bible can feel like the last place to look for answers.

Proclaim Ministries was started with the aim of providing engaging and practical teaching on the Bible, and the good news of Jesus. Proclaim Ministries believes that the Bible is one continuous narrative, wherein we can find insight and direction as we navigate the challenges of life, as well as comfort and hope in the knowledge that we are not alone in doing so.

Through Proclaim Ministries you will find relevant Bible study materials and resources for studying God’s Word. Our live speaking events provide engaging and practical messages that teach the Bible and gospel of Jesus Christ with clarity and simplicity. We also are creating videos, podcasts, and other supplemental resources to help people understand the gospel and lead them to find hope in Jesus Christ.

Proclaim Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is crowdfunded by donors’ and sponsors’ generous support.

About Mister Brown

 Mister Brown is a speaker, trainer, and educator. Raised by his single mother, Gloria, in inner-city Milwaukee, WI, Mister Brown was taught a strong work ethic and quickly learned the importance of choices. After receiving his bachelor’s degree from Andersonville Theological Seminary, Mister Brown worked for various faith-based nonprofits and churches across the Midwest. Throughout his training and work, Mister Brown became passionate about teaching the basics of Christian faith, recognizing a need to communicate seemingly complicated concepts in a way that anyone could understand and apply to their lives. In 2011 he started the Choose Well Program, an organization dedicated to connecting with teachers and students in public schools. Mister Brown resides in Northern, California.

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Why Proclaim Ministries?

Proclaim Ministries exists to help people find and follow God. Passionate about communicating the Bible in a simple way, Mister Brown founded Proclaim Ministries in order to bring clear teaching about the Bible in a way that anyone and everyone can understand. For many of us, the Bible is confusing at best, and expectations of what one ‘should know’ keep people from asking questions. All too often a deeper understanding of the Bible is only available in formal settings such as seminaries or expensive training. Mister Brown believes that the foundational truths and guiding principles for life found in the Bible should be accessible to all ages.

Who does Proclaim Ministries Serve?

Proclaim Ministries believes that developing a deeper understanding of the Bible is for everyone, always! Although Mister Brown primarily works with children, ages 5-18 through youth grouths, summer camps, retreats, etc. he regularly offers teaching and training events for parents, church leaders, and faith communities. This work supports the Choose Well Program, which partners specifically with public schools.

What are the resources & Services Offered by Proclaim Ministries?

Proclaim Ministries offers the following:
  • Guest Preaching/Speaking
  • Teaching (for children, youth, and adults)
  • Training (for Teachers, Leaders, Parents, and Communicators)
  • BIble Training (‘How to Read the Bible’ and ‘What is the Bible)
Proclaim Ministries also produces written, video, and audio content that can be used to supplement your formal or at home learning. All content is created with the purpose of helping people of all ages and backgrounds connect Faith and Life. All services are customizable to meet the unique goals and needs of each audience.

What is the Cost of Booking Mister Brown?

Proclaim Ministries’ current policy is that clients are responsible for covering all travel expenses. Honorariums are negotiated on an individual contract-by-contract basis. If you are interested in booking an event or would like to know more about any services offered, please connect with us here through our contact page.

Other Resources

Choose Well Program

school partnerships
The Choose Well Program (CWP) is designed to help you build a positive school culture, one choice at a time. The CWP exists to work with your school to bring a cohesive message to the whole campus, connecting educators, parents, and teachers through the simple message that “When you make better choices, you will live a better life.”

Life With The Browns

family content
Connect with Mister Brown and his family through Life With the Browns! We believe that connecting Faith and LIfe, and learning how to Choose Well begins at home. Whether you are family, friends, or found us through the Choose Well Program or Proclaim Ministries, we would love to share a bit of our lives with you. It is not perfect, but it is certainly full of fun!

Hello Mister Brown

motivational speaking
Through The Choose Well Group, Mister Brown has been able to connect with educators, parents, and students (The Choose Well Program) as well as faith communities (Proclaim Ministries). Hello Mister Brown is a place where Mister Brown dives even deeper as he explores his own questions (and some of yours!) about how to continue to choose and live well in our complex world.

Mister Brown Kids

videos for kids
Mister Brown Kids is an extension of of the Choose Well Program with free videos for kids. This YouTube channel has free content just for kids and is focused on social emotional learning, character development, and choices.

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