Choose Well Wednesday, Connecting Faith & Life Podcast, and VBS

Mister Brown

In this edition of Proclaim News, I talk about Choose Well Wednesday, Connecting Faith & Life Podcast, prayer requests, and more vacation Bible school!
Prayer requests:
1. Pray for the outreach happening this week at Pathway Church Kids Camp (vacation Bible school)
2. Pray for the outreach happening next week at Faithbridge Church in Park Rapids, MN (vacation Bible school)
3. Pray to consider supporting Proclaim Ministries with a financial contribution. Thank you.
4. Pray for the Proclaim Ministries team.

Choose Well Merch

Connecting Faith and Life Podcast

Proclaim Ministries Kids

Bible Verses:
Philippians 2:3 "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."