Luke 19:10 | To Seek and to Save the Lost

Mister Brown

Bible memory verse Luke 19:10, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

[0:00] Intro

[1:20] Who is the Son of Man?

Jesus Christ explained that He is fully human and fully God. Jesus can relate to us because He is just like us but without sin.

[2:05] Who "came"?

Jesus Christ has always been God but He chose to be born as a human to make a way for us to have redemption for our sins.

[2:24] Why did He come to seek and to save?

Jesus Christ came to earth as a human to seek and to save the lost - that's us sinners.

[3:05] How does this verse apply to my life?

[4:30] Hand motions for the memory verse