These Words Came Just in Time

Mister Brown

A comment from a YouTube viewer inspired me to make this podcast episode. We can all be encouraged that God alone is faithful and we are only faithful through His power, “...if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.” 2 Timothy 2:13

[0:00] Intro

[2:15] God's faithfulness

[4:20] Stewardship

[8:00] What is best for us?

[11:50] Final thoughts

Bible Verses:

2 Timothy 2:13

1 Corinthians 4:1-5

Romans 12:2

Daniel 3

Psalm 73

Confidence in God or Humble Brag? | Daniel 3 | Thought of the Day

I was encouraged by this comment because it reminds me that none of this is about me. It is about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If only one person is impacted by the videos from Proclaim Ministries, that is one person that God has reached and that is a success.

It's not my business how many people watch or who God wants to impact through this content. It’s my job to manage God’s resources and use my talents and abilities for His glory. I am grateful for God's faithfulness because I am not God and I cannot do anything without Him. 

I encourage you to be faithful in your own lives. Do not conform to the world's standards. Instead, transform your life through the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2

Thank you, @SilG.123 

"These always are right on time. I REALLY believe the Lord speaks to me through these videos.

Thank you. I used to struggle with addiction, but even then I would watch your videos. They comforted me when I was confused, lonely, and desperately seeking truth. I didn't feel you were shaming me or speaking empty words. Your videos were reassuring and full of wisdom. I still watch to this day.

I thank our God for delivering me, because he's the only one who could. I'm so happy I found his love! 

Thank you for being a faithful steward and thank you Lord Jesus for letting me hear your word all the way out in the place of darkness I was in." -@SilG.123