1.3 Isaac & Rebekah

Andrea Brown, Justine De Asis, Jaren De Asis

Playlist 1.0 (Patriarchs): Youtube - Apple Music - Spotify


Rebekah - Barry Moser, 1999 (wood engraving)

Behold The Lamb Of God - Anthony Falbo, 2012 (painting)


Still Rolling Stones -Lauren Daigle

Is He Worthy -Andrew Peterson


Psalm 47:1-9; Genesis 22; Genesis 24; Revelation 5:1-13

See downloadable pdf for full transcript or use the links above for recommended reading, graphic art, poetry, and music. 


The Scriptures quoted are from the NET Bible® https://netbible.com copyright ©1996, 2019 used with permission from Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Readings by Justine De Asis, Jaren De Asis, Andrea Brown.