Forgiveness May Be the Key To Your Healing

Mister Brown

Forgiveness is a choice that can transform our lives. I am sharing a song from my playlist as well as a passage in the Bible to help us understand this concept.

[0:00] Intro

[4:00] Forgiveness by Da' T.R.U.T.H 

[11:30] Joseph

[18:00] Trusting God

[21:00] Final thoughts

Bible Verses:

Genesis 29 - 50

Genesis 50:15-21

Colossians 1:13

Matthew 18

I want to go over this idea of forgiveness using the song Forgiveness by Da' T.R.U.T.H. Music can teach truth with the lyrics being a form of poetry and a way to glorify God. I like how Da' T.R.U.T.H uses imagery to talk through pain and hurt emphasizing forgiveness is a choice, not just a feeling, and requires following God. He emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and letting go of hurt to find freedom in Christ. 

Read Genesis starting in chapter 29 to learn about Jacob and his 13 children, including Joseph, who was born to Rachel, Jacob's favorite wife. Joseph's brothers were jealous of him, they betrayed him, and sold him into slavery. 

After many years of being in Egypt and seeing his brothers again, Joseph forgave his brothers and rescued his family from famine, becoming a hero to them. Joseph's brothers feared he would seek revenge for their past wrongs, but Joseph forgave them and assured their well-being. 

Joseph's example of forgiveness and trust in God's sovereignty provides a pattern for Jesus' sacrifice and our own forgiveness. When faced with pain and suffering, we can find comfort in knowing that God is in control.

Forgiveness is a choice that leads to healing. It will not be easy. It doesn't always lead to reconciliation, but it can give you peace and comfort over your life.

Pray and ask God for help in walking through the process of forgiveness towards others who have hurt you. Let go of bitterness, even if reconciliation isn't possible. Forgive others because God has forgiven you.

How Can I Find the Strength to Forgive Again? Matthew 18 | Connecting Faith & Life Podcast Ep58

Forgiveness by Da' T.R.U.T.H